Villas near to Calabay Parc

Villas near to Calabay Parc

Listing Villas in:
Shops Nearby Restaurants Nearby
★ Publix supermarket and shops nearby at Champions Crossing and ChampionsGate
★ Restaurants at ChampionsGate
★ Vineland Premium Outlets (25-50 mins)
★ Walt Disney World Resort (15-30 mins), Seaworld (30-55mins) and Universal Studios (35-65 mins)

When you're searching for specific dates and rates are available, then an estimated price to book will be shown alongside each villa. Where you've not selected dates, then the lowest nightly rate for the villa will be shown. These prices are for renting the villa (not per person) and inclusive of local taxes but will exclude any discounts or optional extras e.g. pool heating. Where you find an ideal villa for your Florida holiday, simply send an enquiry direct to the owner of the villa. They will confirm the price, answer any questions you may have about the villa and help you book.

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4 Bedrooms, sleeps 8
• 2 Ensuite and 2 Twin
• 3 Bathrooms
• Private Pool
• Barbecue
• Games Room
Private Pool Ownership Verified Wi-Fi Internet Games Room Barbecue Grill Cot and Stroller Wheelchair Accessible 360° Video Tour Shops Nearby Restaurants Nearby Payment accepted in Sterling Payment accepted in US Dollars
Book this villa
From £121 / US$157 per night
😎🤩 10+ Bookings for this villa
Villas near to Calabay Parc
These villas are located near to Calabay Parc, so you will still have the same supermarkets, restaurants and routes to the attractions.
BOOKING A VILLA: You first need to list those villas which are available for your preferred dates. If you are flexible with your dates, check dates either side for potentially more villas and a better deal. Filter villas by the number of bedrooms you need and any further preferences. Shortlist those villas which are ideal for your holiday, so that you can compare availability, location, amenities and price. Adding a villa to your shortlist will not contact the owners of a villa. For more information or to book a specific villa, simply enquire. You can send an enquiry to a specific villa owner, multiple villas and even to all villas to check availability. The villa owners will respond with the price for your dates and provide you more details about booking. When you enquire about a villa, you are under no obligation to book a villa.